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Current openings

  • Job Title


  • Location

    Maidstone, Kent

  • Posted

    27th February 2025

  • School

    St Augustine Academy

  • Salary

    WAT Grade B pt. 2 (FTE £23,626)

  • Hours

    Part Time, Term Time

  • Description

    Job Opportunity: Cleaner Salary: WAT Grade B pt.2 (FTE £23,656) - actual salary is dependent on mutually agreed working hours. Contract: Part-time, permanent, Term time plus all i ...

  • Job Title

    Teacher of Science

  • Location

    Maidstone, Kent

  • Posted

    28th January 2025

  • School

    St Augustine Academy

  • Salary

    MPS / UPS

  • Hours

    Full Time, Part Time

  • Description

    Job Opportunity: Teacher of Science Salary: MPS / UPS Contract: Permanent Hours: Full time / Part time considered Start date: September 2025 At St Augustine Academy, we are dedica ...

Talent Pool


If you are interested in working within a school in our trust or wish to work at our head office, but cannot see a current vacancy applicable, please register your interest and join a talent pool that suits your skills.


Part of Woodard Academies

St Augustine Academy is committed to providing an education that ensures all students succeed and make the best of the opportunities and experiences available to them. Our core principles are based upon the educational, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students. We believe that students engage fully and reach their maximum potential when the environment is both caring and orderly, combined with teaching that fires their imagination and brings learning to life.

Embedded in our curriculum are many opportunities for students to access the essential skills that have been identified by numerous employers as fundamental for successful employment. We place great emphasis upon leadership, teamwork, creative solutions and innovation. Our curriculum provides numerous opportunities for these and other relevant skills to be introduced, practised and mastered so that when our students go forward into the world of work they are fully prepared.

The core purpose of academies is to transform the education and life chances of not only individuals but also the local community. We exemplify these notions as we seek to inspire our current students and those of future generations to succeed. We have a great deal to offer our community and look forward to working with others in ensuring that we genuinely do make a difference to the life chances of our students.



St Augustine Academy is a small, caring, inclusive school committed to providing an education that allows every student to succeed and flourish in our Christian community, for all faiths and none. We believe the very purpose of school and education is to help young people grow and develop so that no door is closed to them in their lives.

We are an inspirational community, with high standards of discipline creating a disruption free learning environment. Our broad curriculum is exciting and knowledge-rich to engage, excite and challenge all students, regardless of their starting level. Our successful grammar stream adds further challenge and pace.

At St Augustine Academy we promote courage, compassion, and community as well as a desire to learn and achieve. These values are guided by our school motto, “Together with God we achieve.” We believe that the sum of all our parts is much greater than any individual part. We work with students, families, and our local community to bring about the best opportunities for all members of our academy.




Woodard Academies Trust is an education charity formed in 2007 to deliver an academy programme on behalf of Woodard Schools. Created by founder Nathaniel Woodard in 1848, Woodard is the largest group of independent Church of England schools in England and Wales. Woodard Academies Trust and Woodard Schools share a common ethos and vision: to inspire young people to make a difference.

Woodard currently sponsors five academies across the UK.          

The Woodard family of schools and academies provides many inter-school opportunities; the sharing of best practice and a strength and expertise within education. Their pioneering heritage places much emphasis on leadership and personal development. From attractive, welcoming environments to modern facilities, a Woodard education offer a rich variety of extra-curricular activities, professional teaching and effective pastoral care.

Working For Us


It is our strategic aim to be an employer of choice and we are well on the way to achieving this. Employee engagement and wellbeing is very important to us. In a recent employee engagement survey with a response rate of 85%, over 70% of our people told us that:

  • “Woodard Academies are good places to work”
  • “They have the skills and training to do their jobs well”
  • “They have a shared understanding of what they are seeking to achieve”
  • “They are proud of what they achieve”
  • Our staff also told us where we need to improve and we are actively working together to address these issues.

Induction and Career Development:

  • Induction and a strong programme of in-house training
  • A mentor programme for all newly qualified teachers
  • Teaching Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP delivered with SSAT)
  • Active collaborative networks

Pay and Conditions:

  • Competitive salaries
  • Teachers’ Pension Scheme or Local Government Pension Scheme with high levels of employer contribution
  • Excellent terms and conditions of employment
  • Generous holiday entitlement or term time working
  • Employee Support

Strong and visionary professionals who:

  • Are committed to the Trust’s ethos and values
  • Can contribute to bringing our academies to standards of excellence
  • Are passionate about making a difference
  • Have the capacity to inspire and lead

Key Features

What we offer

  • The Academy offers a broad and innovative curriculum which is accessible to students of all aptitudes and abilities.
  • There is a wide range of subjects, including an expanded vocational offer. This enables the students to develop creatively through music, art and design, drama and dance, physically through competitive sport and physical recreation and spiritually through religious, moral and citizenship education.
  • Comprehensive and innovative extra-curricular activities motivate and encourage higher achievement and build a strong sense of community, as well as extend opportunities to enable students to develop the skills and knowledge to progress into further or higher education, training and work.
  • The Academy has places for 950 students.
  • The Academy has a fully inclusive Admissions Policy is in place.
  • The Academy ethos is based on the Christian values of respect, loyalty, truth, trust and integrity. All faiths are welcome and Woodard Schools openly encourage understanding, diversity and tolerance for all.
  • The Academy has an ethos and expectation of personal responsibility and self-discipline, excellent behaviour, high levels of attendance and punctuality and a natural and positive respect for others.

Privacy Policy


We respect your privacy and understand that privacy is important to you and that you care about how information about you is used, so this privacy policy sets out details about what data we collect and how we use it within Woodard Academies Trust including at our Academies.

When we process your personal data, we will always do so in accordance with the UK’s data protection laws which includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To find out more about our Website Privacy Policy, please click here.

Our Location

Maidstone, Kent

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS